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Some Words from Master Changs Pupils
SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy Family
(Old SANGROK family Board)

Master Henrik S. Hunstad

The SANGROK gym has become like a second home for me. I'm very privileged to have experienced the training and the spirit of SANGROK. The way Master Chang has taught me, has given me an opportunity to learn high quality Taekwondo. SANGROK represent not only taekwondo to me, but also the best part of Korean culture. I feel honored to call Master Chang my master and friend. Anyone that wants to experience Korean culture at it's best and wishes to train the best Taekwondo, should visit the SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy. The way of Master Chang's taekwondo teaching is a blend of traditional taekwondo and Olympic taekwondo. If you are a beginner, an instructor, competitioner etc, SANGROK gym and Master Chang has something to teach everyone.


Master Henrik S. Hunstad,
International Master Instructor, 6th Dan
Director of SANGROK Norway.

- If you'd like to read more from students who have trained at SANGROK,
please click on the messages below -

  Jonathon(2004-09-02 18:31:40, Hit : 6473, Vote : 1283
 Sang Rok and Master Chang-Jonathon

I started TKD 10 years ago ,I'm 19years old now. I was training
> seriously untill 15 years old then I started to get trouble with family, I
> forgot about TKD and school, then one day my instructor saw me in bad
> situation and told me about 1 student who had plans to go to train with
> Master Chang ,so they asked me if i would like to come.
> I accepted. When I met master Chang , i could only say hello to him,I could not say anything else in English when I met Sang rok and Yuha (master
> Chang son and daugther)
> I used to see Sang Rok almost everyday I got to know him even when we didnt
> speak the same language. I also met many students from so many
> differents countries, who many of them are now true friends to me.I had lost my trust in people, but the experience at Sang Rok made me understand I
> was wrong.
> Day after day I started to speak english in order to get to know
> master Chang and try to learn from him.
> I was training for 6 month then he told me I was ready to do some
> championship, it was my 1st championship in korea so i was really
> excited
> I came to korea for 2 week but i stayed for almost 2 years .
> Sangrok family was really kind to me, i say Sang Rok family because they
> make me feel like i was really one of them, i find  in master Chang a
> second father and a litle brother in Sangrok .
> I enjoyed to eat pizza ,play playstation, see movie ,go out side  with
> him.
> Sangrok was sick.
> I am talking about Sangrok because this moment is engraved on my mind and heart
> for ever .
> I saw him  fighting with the sickness like a real champion ,like a life
> champion. He was strong like his father and brave like a tiger .
> I never saw him cry even at his young age and with the pain that he was feeling, i
> remember he was really hurting with a headeche and i ask him you all right ? He was always
> answer me  that ok "I'm all right Jonathan" and in this situation you feel really so
> useless but this is life.
> Anyway Master Chang was really work hard for make Sangrok survive .
> He did all that a father can do in this sad situation, but the sickness
> was stronger and Sangrok had to leave this world, but for the 1st time
> we saw him so peacefull. We kiss him to say a last good bye in this
> life. Master Chang make to him a promese, always make continue Sangrok
> gym and make highter his name, like this we feel he is still with us and
> im happy to see Sang Rok will still continue across  all the Sangrok
> students .It was a honour to be near Sang rok untill his last moment .
> This boy maked me understand more than TKD, something i was forget
> about: life, friendship and love. To be there maded me become a
> different person ,a better person. I hope 1 day i will have the occasion
> to give back to them what they give me.
> Now I go to Israel to live and go to military.
> Master Chang ,Sabunim thank you
> Sangrok way in my life, always
> Thank also to you avner  
>                                          time to time do your best :)
> Jonathan

76   Master Henrik's 1st child is born!  Master Chang 2007/02/26 6586 1159
75   Dear Sangrok UK students  Master Chang 2004/11/03 6597 1206
74   a team from Lyon, France, come to Korea for Taekwondo training  Master Chang 2008/04/28 6601 1160
73   MASTER CHANG YOU ARE GREAT  Ajay Bhavekar 2007/05/27 6618 1231
72   another international championship  Master Chang 2005/05/25 6620 1212
71   Memories from Korea  Or Alterman 2004/08/12 6642 1389
70   you may have chance to meet the beautiful the police!  Master Chang 2006/05/09 6651 1279
69   Taekwondo Hanmadang 2006 - two from the Sangrok family  Master Chang 2006/11/15 6657 1260
68   Master Henrik from Sangrok Norway has got marry  Master Chang 2006/07/28 6662 1182
67   Sangrok Mudo Festival in Norway  Henrik S. Hunstad 2004/08/20 6671 1255
66   Master Chang and the Dogs  Harry Heneage 2004/08/10 6673 1362
65   My time at the SangRok Gym  Lars Vensild 2004/11/15 6685 1227
64   More with Masa  andy 2005/09/02 6686 1434
63   Master Henrik and students  Master Chang 2004/09/14 6723 1234
62   Singwol-dong f.c. anniversary celebrations and Dobongsan peaks.  Ruggero 2008/10/29 6724 1114
61   Andy (Honk Kong) has received an award from Jidokwan Hong Kong the 'Best Instructor of the Year' award!  Master Chang 2008/04/02 6741 1167
60     [re] A movie reccomendation  Andy Kwan 2005/02/13 6742 1429
59   'Year of the Golden Pig"  Master Chang 2007/01/04 6780 1349
58     [re] Taekwondo Training a Foundation For Success in Mountaineering  Master Chang 2008/04/17 6790 1258
57   Back again after another trip to Korea  Henrik S. Hunstad 2006/11/13 6792 1230

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