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Some Words from Master Changs Pupils
SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy Family
(Old SANGROK family Board)

Master Henrik S. Hunstad

The SANGROK gym has become like a second home for me. I'm very privileged to have experienced the training and the spirit of SANGROK. The way Master Chang has taught me, has given me an opportunity to learn high quality Taekwondo. SANGROK represent not only taekwondo to me, but also the best part of Korean culture. I feel honored to call Master Chang my master and friend. Anyone that wants to experience Korean culture at it's best and wishes to train the best Taekwondo, should visit the SANGROK World Taekwondo Academy. The way of Master Chang's taekwondo teaching is a blend of traditional taekwondo and Olympic taekwondo. If you are a beginner, an instructor, competitioner etc, SANGROK gym and Master Chang has something to teach everyone.


Master Henrik S. Hunstad,
International Master Instructor, 6th Dan
Director of SANGROK Norway.

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  Master Chang(2008-05-26 16:20:49, Hit : 6217, Vote : 1201
 Michelle08.05.12_026.jpg (2.39 MB), Download : 84
 'Buddha's Birthday'

'Buddha's Birthday'

May in Korea is a month of celebration and festivals, there are approximately 8 different celebrations, but only two days are holidays; Children's day and Buddha's birthday.

Following the Lunar calendar every year on the 8th day of the 4th month is when Korea celebrates 'Buddha's Birthday'. Which to many is just a day off from work but to others it is an important part of their religion, custom and history. Being in Korea for a long time, I have had the chance to celebrate this holiday for the 2nd time, and thankfully it didn't rain this year!

One of the biggest temple's in Seoul is "Jogesa", which is located a short walk away from the main street of Insadong. Every year this temple is beautifully decorated with brightly coloured lanterns which is amazing to see and a week before the holiday a grand lantern festival is conducted displaying all the beautifully created works.

Having experienced all the festivities at "Jogesa" last year, I wanted to go somewhere less city like and more tranquil like. Amazingly much to my surprise, 6 subway stations away and a short hike I discovered a beautiful moderate sized temple hidden in KyeHwaSa Mountain. Just being there felt as if I was miles away from Seoul, but actually I was still in it. This temple must of been hidden in the mountain for a very long time, but its still well preserved and worth a visit.

There may of been at least a thousand people who walked through the gates of the temple to pay respects and join in on the festivities. There was things to do; lantern making, and having the chance to bathe a statue of Buddha, a special ceremony that takes place on this special day. Also, in between prays there was entertainment and due to the never ending kindness of Korean people even meals were provided. I found the day most delightful, not only because of all the beautiful decorations, traditions and being able to spend a day in the mountain, that despite all the masses of people it was so calm and peaceful, there was no hostility or bitterness and everyone was harmonious with one another.

Michelle from Australia

516   “Ketil from Norway written an article?  Master Chang 2009/11/11 5340 965
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503     [re] Taekwondo Training a Foundation For Success in Mountaineering  Master Chang 2008/04/17 6790 1258
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500     [re] some words to SANGROK family  Master Chang 2012/04/13 5129 889
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497     [re] SangRok's DVD  Andy Kwan 2005/05/29 7310 1563

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